We study inter-individual differences in executive and socio-emotional functioning across the lifespan,
with implications for developmental science and legal psychology.
The general aim of the project is to enhance our limited understanding of the developmental interplay between strategic deception skills, executive functions, and Theory of Mind processes during early and middle childhood.
Our project will bring significant conceptual, methodological and empirical advancements to the study of strategic deception in children.
As a result of this project, 9 scientific articles have been published in leading journals such as Acta Psychologica and Child Abuse Review, as well as a book chapter in the prestigious developmental psychology collective volume The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, 3rd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, UK.
See more details here: https://riddlelab.ro/stratom/
The general aim is to extend the current limited understanding regarding the impact of parental migration upon children’s psychosocial well-being.
The project is relevant for both researchers in the field of child development, as well as for practitioners and policy makers in child wellbeing, healthcare, and education.
The overall goal of the project was to expand our understanding regarding the impact of parental economic migration on the psychosocial well-being of children ‘left-behind’.
See more details here: https://riddlelab.ro/multi-path/
A validation study realized by Stressless SRL and Faculty of Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca as part of the collaboration within the program Grant EIT Health InnoStars RIS Innovation (Project 6017/22.04.2020).
The aim of the study was to test and validate an emotional and stress detection technological solution in the form of a wearable device, developed by Stressless SRL. The Tully device can be seen as an electronic companion, providing an image of children’s daily stress, as well as the ability to assess both the immediate effects of a particular exercise and the long-term evolution of therapy. This will allow children to learn to identify the biological sensations associated with the level of stress and agitation and to control themselves much faster, the device having an immediate effect on children’s behavior.
See more details here: https://riddlelab.ro/tully/
Given the relevance of flexibility to children’s daily life and to their educational settings, the major aim of this current research proposal lies in the development of two flexibility interventions relying on non-emotional and emotional content, aiming to improve children’s flexibility skills (near transfer), but also to increase their general cognitive skills (inhibition, working memory), and academic achievement while also decreasing their anxiety symptoms (far transfer effects).
The present research proposal will bring significant empirical, methodological and practical advancements regarding the development of cognitive interventions targeting adolescent’s cognitive and affective flexibility skills. This research will help us to test an original approach towards improving flexibility and executive functions while also reducing the presence of anxiety symptoms in adolescence via two different online flexibility training programs.
See more details here: https://riddlelab.ro/trace/
Riddle Lab